In Hampshire, this means taking significantly less water from the River Test and River Itchen and the underground aquifers that feed them. Protecting these precious habitats for future generations of wildlife and people, while maintaining supplies for our customers, is the core driver of this project.
We recognise that an infrastructure project of this scale and nature is not without its own effects on the environment, especially during its construction phase but also during its operation. The construction phase involves the building of large-scale plant and various buildings as well as the installation of pipelines. Construction activities, albeit temporary, could give rise to impacts on the landscape, the water environment and on the wildlife that lives there.
The operational phase, when the water recycling plant and other plant and pipelines would come into use, could also have potential effects on the environment. Buildings and plant, for example, will remain as permanent features in the landscape.
We are carefully considering these effects at every step of the process. We are undertaking a comprehensive Environmental Impact Assessment process to assess the potential effects that the Project could have on the environment, and consider any mitigation measures necessary to manage these impacts.
![Image of a caddis fly](Caddis-fly.jpg)
Environmental Impact Assessment
The Preliminary Environmental Information Report, included as part of the Summer 2024 Consultation, presents our initial assessments undertaken as part of this process. It considers the potential effects of the Project across a variety of different topics and outlines our initial proposals for mitigation.
Following this consultation, and further refinement of the Project, our assessments will be finalised as part of an Environmental Statement to be submitted with our Development Consent Order application.
![Image of the construction programme timeline](EIAprocess.gif)
Impacts and mitigation
The design of the Project has been developed with a particular focus on avoiding and minimising impacts on the environment. This has included avoiding, where practicable, designated conservation sites, habitats, ancient woodland and flood zones. We’ve also proposed using trenchless pipeline techniques to avoid impacts on rivers and other sensitive areas.
Our Outline Construction Environmental Management Plan sets out how construction effects on the environment can be effectively managed. Other management plans will be developed, as part of a comprehensive suite of mitigation measures, to control any impacts of the Project.
We are also looking at delivering positive environmental benefits too, such as incorporating opportunities for biodiversity and environmental enhancements. Our draft Illustrative Outline Environmental Masterplan provides further details of these opportunities.
![Image of a hand under natural running water](water_environment.jpg)