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Hampshire Water Transfer and Water Recycling Project

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Welcome to our dedicated website for the Hampshire Water Transfer and Water Recycling Project.

Project Overview

The Project would create a new source of water to supply homes and businesses in Hampshire, so less water needs to be taken from the county’s chalk stream rivers. Our proposal is to tap into the highly treated wastewater that we currently waste and use advanced treatment techniques to turn it into purified recycled water.

This approach, called water recycling, is widely used around the world and will enable us to take significantly less water from the environment – especially during a drought, when nature needs it most. The Project will transform the way we source, treat and supply water across Hampshire for many generations to come.

Creating a new, resilient and sustainable water supply will protect and enhance the county’s rare and sensitive chalk streams, while maintaining supplies for our communities and the local economy.

This Consultation

Our Summer 2024 Consultation runs from 29 May to 23 July 2024. During this time, we will actively seek feedback from community members on the following aspects of the Project:

  • The Project overall
  • The proposed pipeline routes
  • The proposed water recycling plant and associated pumping stations
  • The proposed sites for the above ground plant along the pipeline route
  • The process we have undertaken to develop the Project up to this consultation
  • The preliminary environmental and other impacts of the Project and initial proposals for mitigation.

This consultation is an opportunity to learn more about the Project and how it may affect you. We want to know what you think about our proposals as we develop them further.

The consultation period ends at 11:59pm on July 23rd 2024. The easiest way to share your thoughts, suggestions, and questions is through our online feedback form.

Introduction to the project

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